Poor sleep quality associated with increased suicide risk in older ...

Reported poor sleep quality, independent of a depressed mood, appears to be associated with an increased risk for suicide in older adults.

Aug 14

Categories: Depression, Sleep Disorders, Suicide Prevention


Alterations to a single gene could predict risk of suicide attempt

Johns Hopkins researchers say they have discovered a chemical alteration in a single human gene linked to stress reactions that, if confirmed in larger studies, could give doctors a simple blood test to reliably predict a person’s risk of ...

Aug 2

Categories: Suicide Prevention


Smoking may contribute to suicide risk

Cigarette smokers are more likely to commit suicide than people who don’t smoke, studies have shown. This reality has been attributed to the fact that people with psychiatric disorders, who have higher suicide rates, also tend to smoke. But new ...

Jul 22

Categories: Addictions, Suicide Prevention


Mass Gatherings May Promote Or Prevent Suicide

What do music festivals, football matches and religious gatherings have in common? They are all associated with changes to the citizens of the host city's risk of suicide, some for better, some for worse. New research supports the premise that it is ...

Jul 3

Categories: Parenting, Suicide Prevention


Adults with Asperger Syndrome at significantly higher risk of ...

Adults with the autism spectrum condition known as Asperger Syndrome are nine times more likely to experience suicidal thoughts than people from the UK general population, according to the first large-scale clinical study of its kind.

Jun 26

Categories: Asperger's Syndrome, Suicide Prevention


Ketamine shows 'game-changing' effect on suicide prevention

According to researchers in Australia, the anesthetic and recreational drug ketamine could be effective in preventing suicide and lifting mood in people who are severely depressed in a way they describe as "game-changing."

Jun 18

Categories: Suicide Prevention


Social media users urged to consider rising suicide rates

AUSTRALIA - LIFELINE and one of the country's top mental health experts have urged social media to take greater responsibility as suicide rates in Australia hit a 10-year high.

May 29

Categories: Suicide Prevention


Heartbreak Makes You More Suicidal

According to a new research by the Australian National University's Center for Mental Health Research and the Center for Research on Ageing, Health and wellbeing, individuals who have recently seen the end of a de-facto relationship or marriage have ...

May 27

Categories: Relationships & Marriage, Suicide Prevention


Promising biomarkers to predict suicide risk

In a new review published by Professor Kees van Heeringen from Ghent University in Belgium and John Mann from Columbia University in the USA, they discuss the stress-diathesis theory of suicide, in which a predisposition or diathesis interacts with ...

May 6

Categories: Suicide Prevention


The biggest cause of death among Australia's young people is suicide

THE biggest cause of death among Australia’s young people is suicide. Despite that, the subject receives little discussion, possibly because people are afraid of saying the wrong thing or feel powerless to make any sort of positive contribution.

Apr 16

Categories: Suicide Prevention


Banker suicides leave sector concerned as coroners probe

Coroners in London are preparing to investigate two apparent suicides as unexpected deaths by finance workers around the world have raised concerns about mental health and stress levels in the industry. The inquest into the death of William ...

Mar 31

Categories: Stress Management, Suicide Prevention


Hong Kong: Government, schools need to do more to stop youth ...

HONG KONG - Ingrained resistance to discussing mental health problems and suicide in Hong Kong is proving to be an obstacle to bringing down the rising rate of young people killing themselves, suicide prevention workers say. The city's youth ...

Mar 24

Categories: Suicide Prevention, Teenage Issues


Long wait for psychiatrist can have tragic consequences

Hong Kong - Last month, there was another tragic report of a suicide in the Chinese-language press, a post-secondary student in Hong Kong. The student wanted to see a psychiatrist in a public psychiatric outpatient clinic and the earliest ...

Mar 12

Categories: Suicide Prevention, Teenage Issues


Why are so many elderly Asians killing themselves?

SINGAPORE It is a question that has puzzled mental health experts in Asia for some time: Why are so many elderly Asians committing suicide? The past decade has seen astonishing spikes in the rate of Asians over 65 choosing to end their lives ...

Feb 20

Categories: Mental Health in Asia, Suicide Prevention


Why do people think suicide is morally wrong?

Public surveys show many people view suicide as morally wrong. When you ask them why, they usually refer to the harm caused to the deceased's family and friends, and to the victim themselves. However, a fascinating new study uncovers evidence ...

Jan 28

Categories: Suicide Prevention

[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file /home/psycho27/public_html/includes/news/functions.php on line 238: simplexml_load_file(https://www.psychologymatters.asia/includes/news/most_pop_news.xml): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 406 Not Acceptable
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