Time Pressure Facilitates better decision-making

The study looks at a hypothetical aeroplane crash over a city. Nearly 200 professionals were split into separated rooms based on the sector that they belong to. Ie. Transport, police, etc. They were all given realistic data according to their ...

Apr 10

Categories: Workplace Issues


Asking Advice Makes a Good Impression

What do you do when you cannot figure out how to finish a tricky task at work? Or you are lost on back roads? One thing most people know to avoid for sure: asking for advice. It is inconsiderate. We do not want to bother others.

Apr 8

Categories: Workplace Issues


Mindfulness at work

At work can seem like the hardest place to practice mindfulness given the many demands and responsibilities we have to manage on a daily basis. Yet in the office is where we stand to really benefit from being mindful.

Apr 7

Categories: Mindfulness, Workplace Issues


Importance of allowing personalisation of workspace

Football clubs merchandise laid across the desk, polaroid photos stringed at the desk pin board. The reason to bringing personal objects in the workplace is being explored.

Mar 28

Categories: Career Development and Change, Workplace Issues


Should Airline pilots regularly have their mental health assessed?

The latest theory about the French Alps airline crash is that it was deliberate. Every time one of these incidents occurs - and they are extremely rare - a question arises in media coverage: are airlines taking enough precautions to check the mental ...

Mar 27

Categories: Workplace Issues


How to score the interview?

All of us wants to have meaningful jobs in workplaces. A job at Google would probably be one of the most sought after job. How to get hired?

Mar 20

Categories: Workplace Issues


How to catch someone lying?

The purpose of these airport security screening interviews is to catch deceptive people. Would you be able to spot someone that is lying? What if you let a criminal through the security? Most importantly, can these few liars be caught effectively?

Mar 14

Categories: Workplace Issues


A quarter of domestic helpers in Singapore surveyed found to have ...

Between November 2013 and May last year, migrant worker welfare group Humanitarian Organisation for Migration Economics (Home) conducted a survey on 670 maids and found out that about a quarter of those surveyed could be classified as having poor ...

Mar 11

Categories: Workplace Issues


Jokey team meetings are more productive, as long as people laugh along

Science suggests a funnier workplace should be a more effective one, encouraging positive mood and a playful, open approach. But much of the evidence to date rests on theoretical argument or lab experiments. Now a new study of genuine team meetings ...

Feb 21

Categories: Happiness, Workplace Issues


Why plants in the office make us more productive

'Green' offices with plants make staff happier and more productive than 'lean' designs stripped of greenery, new research shows.

Feb 10

Categories: Workplace Issues


Why Companies Want Staffers With Happy Spouses

Todd Pedersen, chief executive of home-automation company Vivint Inc., says there's a connection between the state of his employees' relationships and their productivity levels. "When my wife's sad, I am not coming to work with a bounce in my ...

Jan 22

Categories: Relationships & Marriage, Workplace Issues


Reverse psychology: How bad managers inspire team camaraderie

An unfair, uncaring manager makes for an uncertain working life, one characterised by stress, absenteeism and poor performance. But new research suggests a silver lining: when the boss is unjust, team members come together.

Jan 19

Categories: Workplace Issues


Successful People Have Conscientious Partners

Behind every successful person is a conscientious partner. So, is it true that successful people get significant help from their partners? And is the form of this quote accurate? Is it that successful men are helped by women, but not the other way ...

Jan 12

Categories: Workplace Issues


When professionalism means betraying a friend

have to let several staff members go. I feel awful about it, but it is part of a company-wide redundancy plan. I am not supposed to reveal these layoffs for another few weeks. But I know one person I must let go is about to go under contract for a ...

Jan 7

Categories: Workplace Issues


The Jobs With The Highest Rates of Depression

The jobs with the highest and lowest rates of depression.

Dec 26

Categories: Depression, Workplace Issues

[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file /home/psycho27/public_html/includes/news/functions.php on line 238: simplexml_load_file(https://www.psychologymatters.asia/includes/news/most_pop_news.xml): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 406 Not Acceptable
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file /home/psycho27/public_html/includes/news/functions.php on line 238: simplexml_load_file(): I/O warning : failed to load external entity "https://www.psychologymatters.asia/includes/news/most_pop_news.xml"