Risk of lasting mental health problems for severely victimized LGBT ...

Since 2010, more than 613,000 people have pledged to combat bullying of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) teens as part of the "It Gets Better" campaign. And a new Northwestern Medicine study has found that most adolescents would agree ...

Feb 10

Categories: Child Development, LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender) ...


Narcissism, the seed of violence from children towards their parents

The mirror becomes an object that they cannot live without. They fall in love with their own reflection and believe that they deserve special treatment, becoming aggressive if they don't receive it. A new study has analysed factors that create ...

Dec 21

Categories: Teenage Issues


Can an app prevent teenage suicides? This startup thinks so

Many of the factors that lead to teenage depression are amped up in East Asia. The hyper-competitive school environments in places like Hong Kong, Singapore, and mainland China are enough to throw anyone's life out of balance. If you add in the ...

Nov 19

Categories: Depression, Suicide Prevention, Teenage Issues


Teens' night-time use of social media 'risks harming mental health'

Teenagers who engage with social media during the night could be damaging their sleep and increasing their risk of depression and anxiety, research shows.

Oct 20

Categories: Sleep Disorders, Teenage Issues


Does our mental health as teenagers determine our entry into ...

The effects of parenthood on mental health are complex, but a new study published in Health Sociology Review reveals a different angle to the relationship: how a person's mental health at 16 influences whether or not he or she becomes a parent, as ...

Sep 10

Categories: Mental Health in Asia, Oppositional & Defiant Behavior in ...


Are e-cigarettes useful?

E-Cigarettes were invented to help smokers to quit smoking. But it is getting increasingly popular with teenagers, even those who have never smoked. Over 10,000 children were surveyed about their use of e-cigarettes. Using it at least once was more ...

Apr 18

Categories: Addictions, Drug Addiction, Teenage Issues


Teachers unconsciously causing gender gap in achievement

Teachers unconsciously put girls off math and science by marking down their work in comparison to boys, a new study finds.

Mar 6

Categories: Child Development, Teenage Issues


Game app to monitor teenage suicide risk

The battle against teenage suicide has entered the digital age as a Hong Kong company is developing a game app to identify at-risk teenagers. Mark Altosaar, who has a background in education technology, and Jamie Chiu, a doctoral candidate in ...

Feb 2

Categories: Mental Health in Asia, Suicide Prevention, Teenage Issues


Want to ace your exam?

Why all-nighters don't work: How sleep, memory go hand-in-hand Scientists have long known that sleep, memory and learning are deeply connected but how has remained a mystery. The question is, does the mechanism that promotes sleep also consolidate ...

Jan 31

Categories: Teenage Issues


More young people seek help for depression

SINGAPORE - Depression is hitting young people hard, and a growing number are choosing to seek help. The Institute of Mental Health (IMH) helped 600 people aged 20 to 29 last year, compared with 550 the year before. Similarly, the National ...

Jan 28

Categories: Depression, Teenage Issues


Teenagers need more sleep

Due to changes during puberty, teenagers require more sleep than adults and most find it hard to get to sleep before 11pm, with many staying up until 2 or 3am. Failing to get enough sleep causes low mood in teenagers, along with worse health and ...

Sep 29

Categories: Teenage Issues


Why teenage behaviour can be so extreme

A new study published in the journal, Psychological Science, concludes that the minds of teenagers are much more sensitive to rewards than adults and they find it hard to adjust their behaviour when situations change.

Sep 23

Categories: Teenage Issues


Why it is so hard to get your teenager off the smartphone

A University of Iowa study found teenagers are far more sensitive than adults to the immediate effect or reward of their behaviors. The findings may help explain, for example, why the initial rush of texting may be more enticing for adolescents than ...

Sep 12

Categories: Teenage Issues


Testing children at primary school has its 'pitfalls'

Tests and assessments carried out at school are often seen as a way of predicting how well a child will do later on in life. However, new research from Professor Richard Cowan, Institute of Education (IOE), suggests that how well a child is doing at ...

Sep 8

Categories: Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Child Development, Teenage Issues


Teen insomnia is linked with depression and anxiety

A study of high school students has shed new light on the links between insomnia-related mental health conditions among teens. "People with insomnia find it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep for as long as they need to. This is a widespread ...

Aug 1

Categories: Anxiety, Depression, Teenage Issues

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