Mental illness can reduce life expectancy 'more than smoking'

Serious mental illness can reduce life expectancy more than heavy smoking, Oxford University scientists have said. They say the illnesses can reduce life expectancy by 10 to 20 years - a loss equivalent or worse to smoking 20 cigarettes a day.

May 28


Screening for Autism: There's an App for That

Most schools across the United States provide simple vision tests to their students - not to prescribe glasses, but to identify ...

May 28

Categories: Autism spectrum disorders


Heartbreak Makes You More Suicidal

According to a new research by the Australian National University's Center for Mental Health Research and the Center for Research on Ageing, Health and wellbeing, individuals who have recently seen the end of a de-facto relationship or marriage have ...

May 27

Categories: Relationships & Marriage, Suicide Prevention


A Revolutionary Approach to Treating PTSD

Bessel van der Kolk sat cross-legged on an oversize pillow in the center of a smallish room overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Big Sur. He wore khaki pants, a blue fleece zip-up and square wire-rimmed glasses. His feet were bare. It was the third day ...

May 27

Categories: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) / Trauma / Complex PTSD


Cultivating emotional intelligence in children

The publication of Daniel Goleman;s breakthrough book Emotional Intelligence in 1995, introduced the public to the then radical idea that "there are other ways of being smart," couldn't have been more timely. Goleman defined 'emotional intelligence' ...

May 27

Categories: Child Development, Emotional Intelligence


Brain Sex in Men and Women - From Arousal to Orgasm

Now, with hundreds of neuroimaging studies on human sexual behavior, results from these studies are finally being integrated for meta-analysis, allowing for improved precision in identifying activated brain areas. This article reveals the neural ...

May 26

Categories: Sexual Problems / Sex Therapy


How the gut feeling shapes fear

We are all familiar with that uncomfortable feeling in our stomach when faced with a threatening situation. By studying rats, researchers at ETH Zurich have been able to prove for the first time that our 'gut instinct' has a significant impact on ...

May 26

Categories: Anxiety, Fear


The Cheerleader Effect: Why People Appear Better-Looking in Groups

The so-called ‘cheerleader effect’ is the phenomenon that people seem more attractive when they are in a group than when they are alone. At least, so urban legend has it.

May 26


'Self Talk': When Talking to Yourself, the Way You Do It Makes a ...

Researchers say talking to yourself, out loud, is more common than many of us might care ...

May 24

Categories: Sports Psychology


Meditation training may help reduce stress disorders among U.S. ...

Researchers from the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and Naval Health Research Center have found that mindfulness training - a combination of meditation and body awareness exercises - can help U.S. Marine Corps personnel ...

May 24

Categories: Meditation, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) / Trauma / Complex ...


Malaysia court told Transgender Womean dress as female because of ...

Transgender women have no choice but to wear feminine clothes to express their identity as part of the medical condition, gender ...

May 23

Categories: LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender) Issues, Mental ...


The Masters of Multitasking

In 2012, David Strayer found himself in a research lab, on the outskirts of London, observing something he hadn't thought possible: extraordinary multitasking. For his entire career, Strayer, a professor of psychology at the University of Utah, had ...

May 23

Categories: Workplace Issues


How Easily Stress is Transferred Between People

Seeing another person under stress - even when you're not involved in the situation - is enough to activate the stress hormone cortisol in your body as well, according to a new study.

May 22

Categories: Stress Management


Why people don't always behave altruistically?

Sociality, cooperation and "prosocial" behaviours are the foundation of human society (and of the extraordinary development of our brain) and yet, taken individually, people often show huge variation in terms of altruism/egoism, both among ...

May 22


Sense of purpose 'adds years to life'

Having a sense of purpose may add years to your life, regardless of what the purpose is, research suggests. Not only does it contribute to healthy aging, but it may also stave off early death, according to a study of 7,000 Americans.

May 22

Categories: Aging & Geriatric Issues

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