World’s Economic Crisis Tied to Increased Suicide Rates

When people commit suicide, investigators, doctors and family and friends all want to uncover the factors that forced the individual to end his or her life. Since suicide is inflicted upon oneself, finding and understanding the motives can be ...

Sep 20

Categories: Suicide Prevention


7 Things Fear has Stolen from You

Everything you want is on the other side of fear. Don’t ever hesitate to give yourself a chance to be everything you are capable of being. Although fear can feel overwhelming, and defeats more people than any other force in the world, it’s not ...

Sep 19

Categories: Fear


Carbonation alters the mind's perception of sweetness

Carbonation, an essential component of popular soft drinks, alters the brain's perception of sweetness and makes it difficult for the brain to determine the difference between sugar and artificial sweeteners, according to a new article in ...

Sep 19


Suicides up in Singapore

The number of attempted suicides increased from 1009 in 2011 to 1090 in 2012. This is an increase from 19.5 to 20.5 per 100,000 people. THe number of deaths from suicide rose from 8.1 per 100,000 people in 2011 to 10.3 in 2012.

Sep 19

Categories: Suicide Prevention


Phobias may be cured by watching others, study shows

Whether it is a fear of spiders, snakes or heights, many of us have phobias that we would love to be rid of for good. Now, a new study suggests that we can, by watching other individuals interact with the object or scenario that frightens us.

Sep 18

Categories: Phobias


Parents' Harsh Words Might Make Teen Behaviors Worse

Most parents yell at their kids at some point. It often feels like the last option for getting children to pay attention and shape up. But harsh verbal discipline may backfire. Teenagers act worse if they're yelled at, a study finds.

Sep 18

Categories: Parenting, Teenage Issues


Researchers discover how and where imagination occurs in human brains

Philosophers and scientists have long puzzled over where human imagination comes from. In other words, what makes humans able to create art, invent tools, think scientifically and perform other incredibly diverse behaviors? The answer, Dartmouth ...

Sep 18


Police should tackle mental problems among police personnel

Malaysia - All police contingent headquarters should have a special counselling or psychology unit to tackle mental problems among police personnel, according to the Malaysian Criminal Prevention Foundation (MCPF) vice president Tan Sri Lee Lam ...

Sep 18


Wide-faced Men Make Others Act Selfishly

Two assistant professors of management at the University of California, Riverside and several other researchers have previously shown that men with wider faces are more aggressive, less trustworthy and more prone to engaging in deception. Now, in a ...

Sep 17


How to Cope When Your Spouse Embarrasses You

Michele Phillips and her husband, Gary Wadds, were hanging out on the porch with friends one evening in Piermont, N.Y., when the talk turned to hiking. One person mentioned a local trail, another raved about her new hiking boots. Then Ms. Phillips ...

Sep 17

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


Our Genes Respond Positively to The Right Kind of Happiness

New research suggests the right kind of happiness can change the code that defines our very being: our genes. The study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, examined the pattern of gene expression within the ...

Sep 17

Categories: Happiness


Studying dating abuse in the Internet age

Non-physical abuse by a dating partner such as threats, controlling behavior and harassing text messages can have a serious effect on a teenager’s health and well-being, finds new research led by a Michigan State University scholar. The study, ...

Sep 17

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


Targeting isolation and restraint in mental health facilities

Most developed countries have laws that permit the detention and treatment of individuals with severe mental health problems without their consent. Practices such as restraint and solitary confinement (often referred to as “seclusion”) are ...

Sep 16


Researchers approaching ways to makes Antidepressants Act Quicker

The reasons behind why it often takes people several weeks to feel the effect of newly prescribed antidepressants remains somewhat of a mystery – and likely, a frustration to both patients and physicians.

Sep 16

Categories: Depression


Drug addiction: The complex truth

Drugs are scary. The words “heroin” and “cocaine” make people flinch. It’s not just the associations with crime and harmful health effects, but also the notion that these substances can undermine the identities of those who take them. One ...

Sep 16

Categories: Addictions, Drug Addiction

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