1 in 3 post-partum women suffers PTSD symptoms after giving birth

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) develops in individuals who experience highly traumatizing situations such as terrorist attacks and car accidents, but symptoms can also come about after normal life events -- including childbirth. A Tel Aviv ...

Aug 13


The Availability Bias: Why People Buy Lottery Tickets

If people really understood their chances of winning the lottery, they would never buy a ticket. Yet tickets are bought so frequently that well-run lotteries are, for the organisers, virtually a license to print money. All lotteries exploit a ...

Aug 11


Olympics: Why wearing red could help to win gold

Studies show that wearing a particular colour increases the chances of winning a gold medal. Understanding the science behind why this happens serves as a timely reminder that we should always be wary of neat explanations for psychological ...

Aug 11


Friday Weird Science: Seasonal variation in sex seeking

There are seasonal trends in things like when babies are born, for example. Babies are conceived more frequently in December (though it’s not by much), leading to a rash of fall birthdays. There’s also an increase in abortion in the winter ...

Aug 11


Feeling Fat May Make You Fat, Study Suggests

"Perceiving themselves as fat even though they are not may actually cause normal weight children to become overweight as adults," says Koenraad Cuypers, a researcher at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Cuypers and his ...

Aug 10


Encourage students into science by targeting their parents

Time and again past research has shown that one of the strongest predictors of children's choice of science and maths is their parents' level of education. This was replicated in the current study, and impressively enough, the influence of the ...

Aug 10


Active Brain area found when Hoarders had to throw away possession

In patients with hoarding disorder, parts of a decision-making brain circuit under-activated when dealing with others’ possessions, but over-activated when deciding whether to keep or discard their own things, a National Institute of Mental Health ...

Aug 10


Why Society Doesn’t Change: The System Justification Bias

Have you ever wondered why society hardly ever changes? I think most of us have. One answer is that humans have a mental bias towards maintaining the status quo. People think like this all the time. They tend to go with what they know rather than ...

Aug 7


Preschool Children Who Can Pay Attention More Likely to Finish College

Young children who are able to pay attention and persist with a task have a 50 percent greater chance of completing college, according to a new study at Oregon State University. Tracking a group of 430 preschool-age children, the study gives ...

Aug 7


Lying less linked to better health, new research finds

Telling the truth when tempted to lie can significantly improve a person's mental and physical health, according to a "Science of Honesty" study presented at the American Psychological Association's 120th Annual Convention. "Recent evidence ...

Aug 7


Mindfulness enhances health and happiness in Mothers and Newborns

First-time mothers who pay attention to their emotional and physical changes during their pregnancy may feel better and have healthier newborns than new mothers who don’t, according to research to be presented at American Psychological ...

Aug 3


Early Relationships, Not Brainpower, Key to Adult Happiness

Social connection is a more important route to adult well-being than academic ability. Positive social relationships in childhood and adolescence are key to adult well-being, according to Associate Professor Craig Olsson from Deakin University ...

Aug 3


Sometimes expressing anger might be necessary to resolve a ...

It is not always best to forgive and forget in marriage, according to new research that looks at the costs of forgiveness. Sometimes expressing anger might be necessary to resolve a relationship problem – with the short-term discomfort of an angry ...

Aug 3


The Importance of Mind in (Olympic) Sporting Performance

Hypnosis in sport can help athletes focus, and increase their concentration levels, blocking out other distractions. That’s going to be important for every single athlete at the London 2012 Olympic Games this summer. Hypnosis techniques can be ...

Aug 2


Strangers On a Bus: Study Reveals Lengths Commuters Go to Avoid Each ...

You're on the bus, and one of the only free seats is next to you. How, and why, do you stop another passenger sitting there? New research reveals the tactics commuters use to avoid each other, a practice the paper published in Symbolic Interaction ...

Aug 2

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