Six Signs of An Eating Disorder

With the increasing prevalence of eating disorders nowadays, it is even more important for friends and loved ones to learn to recognise the common signs of eating disorders to help those who are suffering seek help. Here’s how.

Mar 14

Categories: Eating Disorders


Given time, most women with anorexia or bulimia will recover

Contrary to what is often believed, new research is optimistic that around two-thirds of women with anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa will eventually recover from their eating disorders.

Dec 29

Categories: Eating Disorders


Weight-loss psychology: how your brain is preventing you from losing ...

Despite the fact that 77% of Americans are trying to lose weight, nearly 70% of all Americans are obese or overweight. Given the inability of the majority of us to manage our weight, are we all just weak-willed slackers? Or are other factors ...

Nov 22

Categories: Eating Disorders, Health / Illness / Medical Issues, Self-Love


Why Sugar is So Addictive?

Addiction is a medical condition in which the person has uncontrollable desire to take a substance or engage in an activity, despite knowing that it may lead to adverse effects. Taking that substance or engaging in that activity will make the person ...

Nov 4

Categories: Addictions, Eating Disorders


Why are women more vulnerable to eating disorders?

Eating disorders are much more common among women than men. Now, a new study may have uncovered a neurological explanation for this disparity. Researchers find that women are more likely than men to experience brain activity relating to negative ...

Oct 17

Categories: Eating Disorders


How Schools are using Mindful Eating to fight Eating Disorders

Mindful eating invites participants to "pay attention" to the food in front of them and engage their five senses (sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch) before consuming a single morsel. This mindfulness practice builds the children's awareness of ...

Sep 3

Categories: Eating Disorders, Health Psychology, Mindfulness


"I'm Fat, and You Don't Love Me" : How early attachment insecurity ...

But it ISN'T THE FOOD. Eating disorders are not about meals. They're usually about control. And those issues start young, sometimes before you've mastered the use of a knife and fork.

Jun 16

Categories: Attachment Issues, Eating Disorders


Study: obese or anorexic individuals react differently to taste

Researchers at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus have discovered that women suffering from anorexia nervosa and those who are obese respond differently to taste, a finding that could lead to new treatments for the eating disorders.

May 17

Categories: Eating Disorders


Researchers find potential breakthrough in binge-eating disorder ...

UAB researchers are testing a new treatment for BED: Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation(tDCS). The non-invasive therapy sends low-voltage electricity into the brain through electrodes places on either side of the head.

May 12

Categories: Eating Disorders


Overweight individuals more likely to make unhealthier choices when ...

Overweight people make unhealthier food choices than lean people when presented with real food, even though both make similar selections when presented with hypothetical choices, according to research led by the University of Cambridge.

Apr 14

Categories: Eating Disorders


Anorexia: genetic and environmental risk factors uncovered

Researchers describe their new mouse model that shows how a combination of genetic and environmental risk factors can trigger the disease.

Apr 14

Categories: Eating Disorders


Rewarding children with food could lead to emotional eating

Parents who use very overly controlling feeding practices with their children, such as using food as a reward or a treat, could be unintentionally teaching their children to rely on food to deal with their emotions.

Apr 13

Categories: Eating Disorders, Parenting


Mindfulness-based eating awareness helps adolescents eat healthier ...

A pilot study showed that mindfulness-based eating awareness training encouraged adolescents to eat healthier and exercise more and marginalized their tendency to gain weight.

Apr 6

Categories: Eating Disorders, Mindfulness, Mindfulness Meditation


Parents' binge eating, restrictive feeding practices may be reactions ...

Parents who reported feeling distress when their child was angry, crying or fearful were more likely to engage in episodes of binge eating - and to limit the amounts or types of food they provided to their children, University of Illinois ...

Apr 1

Categories: Eating Disorders, Parenting


Anorexia: Brain Stimulation May Reduce Symptoms

Core symptoms of anorexia nervosa, including the urge to restrict food intake and feeling fat, are reduced after just one session of a noninvasive brain stimulation technique, according new research.

Mar 28

Categories: Eating Disorders

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