'Fat shaming' does more harm than good

Discrimination against overweight or obese people, commonly known as "fat shaming," does not help them lose weight and may do more harm than good, according to research from London. Being harassed or treated with disrespect, receiving poor service ...

Sep 29

Categories: Eating Disorders


Family-based therapy can aid those with anorexia

For a long time, people blamed families for causing anorexia and thought they should be left out of treatment. However, a new study suggests that when you involve them, families can be useful, and that more focused family treatment works faster and ...

Sep 25

Categories: Eating Disorders


Why Can't We Stop Eating?

We have long known the simplest recipe for weight loss: eat less and exercise more. Yet despite our understanding of the causes of weight fluctuation and the serious health risks associated with obesity, our collective weight continues to rise.

May 7

Categories: Eating Disorders


Singaporean youths struggle to cope with eating disorders

Singapore -- More teenagers, some as young as 13, are being treated at Singapore's public hospitals for eating disorders. Figures from the Singapore General Hospital (SGH) show that 95 youngsters aged 13 to 19 suffered from anorexia or bulimia last ...

Nov 9

Categories: Eating Disorders


Largest therapy trial worldwide: Psychotherapy treats anorexia ...

A large-scale study has now shown that adult women with anorexia whose disorder is not too severe can be treated successfully on an out-patient basis. Even after conclusion of therapy, they continue to make significant weight gains. Two new ...

Oct 23

Categories: Eating Disorders


Scientists identify brain circuitry that triggers overeating

Sixty years ago scientists could electrically stimulate a region of a mouse’s brain causing the mouse to eat, whether hungry or not. Now researchers from UNC School of Medicine have pinpointed the precise cellular connections responsible for ...

Sep 27

Categories: Eating Disorders


Pointless to be beautiful but unhealthy in mind, body

KUALA LUMPUR: While it is normal to want to maintain an ideal weight to remain healthy and attractive, it is, however, abnormal to obsess over it until one resorts to unhealthy methods. Malaysian Mental Health Association deputy president ...

Aug 23

Categories: Eating Disorders


Visualized Heartbeat Can Trigger ‘Out-of-Body Experience’

A visual projection of human heartbeats can be used to generate an “out-of-body experience,” according to new research to be published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. The findings could inform ...

Aug 15

Categories: Eating Disorders


Stress early in life leads to adulthood anxiety and preference for ...

Research to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior (SSIB), the foremost society for research into all aspects of eating and drinking behavior, suggests that exposure to stress in the first few days of ...

Jul 31

Categories: Anxiety, Eating Disorders, Stress Management


Want to stick with your diet? Better have someone hide the chocolate

If you are trying to lose weight or save for the future, new research suggests avoiding temptation may increase your chances of success compared to relying on willpower alone. The study on self-control by researchers from the Universities of ...

Jul 25

Categories: Eating Disorders


Eating disorders plague teenage boys, too

Bryan Piperno was just 9 years old when he began keeping his secret. The Simi Valley youngster tossed out lunches or claimed he ate elsewhere. As he grew older, he started purging after eating. Even after his vomiting landed him in the emergency ...

Jun 22

Categories: Eating Disorders


The biology behind binge eating

Female rats are much more likely to binge eat than male rats, according to new research that provides some of the strongest evidence yet that biology plays a role in eating disorders. The study, by Michigan State University scientists, is the first ...

May 2

Categories: Eating Disorders, Inattention, Impulsivity, & Hyperactivity (ADHD)

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