Older adults who volunteer are more likely to be happier and ...

Older adults who stay active by volunteering are getting more out of it than just an altruistic feeling - they are receiving a health boost!

Sep 4

Categories: Adult psychological development, Happiness, Health / Illness / ...


Deep and meaningful relationships can help you thrive

Deep and meaningful relationships play a vital role in overall well-being. Past research has shown that individuals with supportive and rewarding relationships have better mental health, higher levels of subjective well-being and lower rates of ...

Sep 3

Categories: Adult psychological development, Happiness, Relationships & ...


Plants in offices make workers happier, more productive

Staff working in offices designed to be lean and devoid of greenery, are happier and more productive when those environments are enriched with plants, say researchers who conducted the largest field study of its kind.

Sep 2

Categories: Adult psychological development, Happiness, Workplace Issues


The psychology of wearable computing - does Google Glass affect where ...

A new study finds that while wearing gaze-monitoring devices may initially encourage more socially-acceptable looking behaviours, the effect doesn't last.

Sep 1

Categories: Adult psychological development


Managers, conservatives, Europeans and the non-religious show higher ...

Mention psychopathic personality traits and the mind turns to criminals. The archetype is a callous killer who entraps his victims with a smile and easy charm. However, recent years have seen an increasing recognition that psychopathic traits are on ...

Aug 29

Categories: Adult psychological development


Electric current to brain boosts memory

Stimulating a particular region in the brain via non-invasive delivery of electrical current using magnetic pulses, called Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, improves memory, reports a new Northwestern Medicine study.

Aug 29

Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Adult psychological ...


In our digital world, are young people losing the ability to read ...

Children's social skills may be declining as they have less time for face-to-face interaction due to their increased use of digital media, according to a UCLA psychology study.

Aug 23

Categories: Adult psychological development, Emotional Intelligence, Empathy, ...


Obamacare Helps Young Adults Get Mental Health Treatment

Despite all the hype and hand-wringing done over Obamacare — aka the Affordable Care Act — there's a lot of good coming already from its implementation. And if some politicians want to undo this good, they may find themselves up against an ...

Aug 8

Categories: Adult psychological development, Mental Health in Asia, Mental Health ...


Study says people who enter adulthood during a downturn are less ...

Children who grow up in a recession are more likely to become well-rounded adults than those who enjoy an easy start to life, a psychological study has found. Analysis of the characteristics of 35,000 people found that those who entered adulthood ...

Jun 13

Categories: Adult psychological development


Connecting Alcohol Use in Adolescence With Risky Behavior in ...

"Early life experiences can alter the brain in the long term, with profound implications for behavior in adulthood," said Abigail Schindler, Ph.D., a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Washington who conducted the research. "This study points ...

Apr 30

Categories: Addictions, Adult psychological development, Child Development


Why hasn’t the mental health of Australians improved?

Despite two decades of investment in improving mental health services, the mental health of Australians has not improved. This may be because haven’t been spending money on the right approach and need to place greater emphasis on prevention. In ...

Sep 6

Categories: Adult psychological development


Poor concentration: Poverty reduces brainpower needed for navigating ...

Poverty and all its related concerns require so much mental energy that the poor have less remaining brainpower to devote to other areas of life, according to research based at Princeton University. As a result, people of limited means are more ...

Aug 30

Categories: Adult psychological development


Mice, Men, and Fate

Almost fifteen years ago, in a book called “Chance, Development, and Aging,” the gerontologists Caleb Finch and Thomas Kirkwood described a truly elegant study of biology: a batch of roundworms, all genetically identical, raised on identical ...

May 17

Categories: Adult psychological development, Child Development, Individuation


Reducing sibling rivalry in youth improves later health and well-being

"Negative sibling relationships are strongly linked to aggressive, anti-social and delinquent behaviors, including substance use," said Mark Feinberg, research professor in the Prevention Research Center for the Promotion of Human Development. "On ...

Nov 28

Categories: Adult psychological development, Child and/or Adolescent Issues

[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file /home/psycho27/public_html/includes/news/functions.php on line 238: simplexml_load_file(https://www.psychologymatters.asia/includes/news/most_pop_news.xml): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 406 Not Acceptable
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file /home/psycho27/public_html/includes/news/functions.php on line 238: simplexml_load_file(): I/O warning : failed to load external entity "https://www.psychologymatters.asia/includes/news/most_pop_news.xml"