Kissing helps us find the right partner – and keep them

What’s in a kiss? A study by Oxford University researchers suggests kissing helps us size up potential partners and, once in a relationship, may be a way of getting a partner to stick around. ‘Kissing in human sexual relationships is incredibly ...

Oct 17

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


Wedded bliss or blues? Scientists link DNA to marital satisfaction

What makes some people more prone to wedded bliss or sorrow than others? Researchers at UC Berkeley and Northwestern University have found a major clue in our DNA. A gene involved in the regulation of serotonin can predict how much our emotions ...

Oct 8

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


You Say He's Just a Friend, But Your Voice Says Differently

Think your partner is cheating? His or her voice may be a dead giveaway. New research by Albright College associate professor of psychology Susan Hughes, Ph.D., has found that men and women alter their voices when speaking to lovers versus friends ...

Oct 3

Categories: Infidelity, Relationships & Marriage


Why some parents think your partner isn’t good enough

It is common for parents to influence mate choice — from arranged marriages to more subtle forms of persuasion — but they often disagree with their children about what makes a suitable partner. A new study has found an evolutionary explanation ...

Sep 20

Categories: Parenting, Relationships & Marriage


How to Cope When Your Spouse Embarrasses You

Michele Phillips and her husband, Gary Wadds, were hanging out on the porch with friends one evening in Piermont, N.Y., when the talk turned to hiking. One person mentioned a local trail, another raved about her new hiking boots. Then Ms. Phillips ...

Sep 17

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


Studying dating abuse in the Internet age

Non-physical abuse by a dating partner such as threats, controlling behavior and harassing text messages can have a serious effect on a teenager’s health and well-being, finds new research led by a Michigan State University scholar. The study, ...

Sep 17

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


How You Tune Out Your Spouse - and Why

I’m pretty sure my wife asked me to do something this morning. I think it’s important and I know if I don’t do it I will miss a deadline or an appointment or a mortgage payment. Or maybe not. I honestly don’t know, and the reason is simple: ...

Sep 11

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


Your Spouse’s Voice Is Easier to Hear – And Easier to Ignore

With so many other competing voices, having a conversation on a bustling subway or at a crowded cocktail party takes a great deal of concentration. New research suggests that the familiar voice of a spouse stands out against other voices, helping to ...

Sep 2

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


Two New Studies on Motives for Monogamy

The golden lion tamarin, a one-pound primate that lives in Brazil, is a stunningly monogamous creature. A male will typically pair with a female and they will stay close for the rest of their lives, mating only with each other and then working ...

Aug 19

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


Marriage rate in US lowest in a century

Fewer women are getting married and they’re waiting longer to tie the knot when they do decide to walk down the aisle. That’s according to a new Family Profile from the National Center for Family and Marriage Research (NCFMR) at Bowling Green ...

Jul 19

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


Sleepless nights can turn lovers into fighters

Relationship problems can keep us awake at night. But new research from UC Berkeley suggests that sleepless nights also can worsen lovers’ fights. UC Berkeley psychologists Amie Gordon and Serena Chen have found that people are much more likely ...

Jul 11

Categories: Relationships & Marriage, Sleep Disorders


Couples in Conflicts wants Power

The most common thing that couples want from each other during a conflict is not an apology, but a willingness to relinquish power, according to a new Baylor University study. Giving up power comes in many forms, among them giving a partner more ...

Jul 10

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


Does marital breakdown have an effect on male offending?

Criminologists have long known that men tend to offend less after they marry. But with almost half of all marriages now ending in divorce, what effect does separation have? Writing in the journal Psychology, Crime & Law, Delphine Theobald and David ...

Jul 9

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


The hack to save your marriage: Eli Finkel

According to Eli Finkel, we’ve changed how we value our personal ...

Jul 1

Categories: Marital Counseling, Relationships & Marriage


Low Self-Control Promotes Selfless Behavior in Close Relationships

When faced with the choice of sacrificing time and energy for a loved one or taking the self-centered route, people’s first impulse is to think of others, according to new research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association ...

Jun 29

Categories: Control Issues, Relationships & Marriage

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