Embracing Negative Emotions Could Boost Psychological Well-being

Our reaction when confronted with a negative emotion like sadness or disappointment is to try to escape. However, a recent study has found that acknowledging these emotions, instead of trying to get away, will likely benefit long-term mental health.

Aug 17

Categories: Self-Care / Self Compassion, Stress Management


Turn Mistakes Into Life Lessons

Mistakes can be costly - some more than others. Everyone makes mistakes, and have probably repeated them at some point. Instead of making mistakes over and over, we can make a conscious effort to learn from them and make wiser decisions in the ...

Aug 12

Categories: Self-Care / Self Compassion, Self-Love


Unhealthy Ways of Thinking and What to Do Instead

Unhealthy ways of thinking arise when a person is tackling anxiety or in a high emotional state. Here are some unhealthy patterns of thinking and how you should frame your thoughts instead.

Aug 10

Categories: Self-Care / Self Compassion


Facing Rejection Like a Champ

Everyone will face rejection in their lives. No matter what the issue is about, we often feel like we had made a mistake to cause the rejection, and that we are to blame. However, viewing rejection in a different light can make it a positive event.

Aug 7

Categories: Self-Care / Self Compassion, Self-Esteem


3 Ways to Practice Mindfulness Daily

Mindfulness is a good method of self-care. It helps us be in tune with ourselves, and guides us to listen, pay attention and honour the experiences we go through each day. Here are three ways we can practice meditation when we are out and about ...

Jul 24

Categories: Mindfulness, Self-Care / Self Compassion


Supporting a Partner with Depression While Taking Care of Your Mental ...

When you care deeply for someone with depression, your biggest wish is for them to be well. Hence, it is easy to forget to care for yourself, as your needs and wants are replaced by theirs. Depression is complicated and can be hard for someone to ...

Jul 24

Categories: Depression, Self-Care / Self Compassion


5 Ways to Prioritise Your Mental Health

Life is filled with the unexpected and we need to find ways to cope with uncertainty and challenges. As such, mental health should be a priority in your life. Here are five ways you can do so.

Jul 22

Categories: Self-Care / Self Compassion, Self-Love


3 Mantras to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Social media can be tough. We're scrolling through Facebook and we start comparing ourselves to other people's seemingly better lives. We start telling ourselves that we are less successful than others. Here are three suggestions to deal with these ...

Jul 12

Categories: Self-Care / Self Compassion, Self-Confidence


When You're Having a Hard Day

Some days are harder than others - you just missed the bus to work and everyone's life on Facebook seems much brighter than yours. Here are some tips to manage a bad day.

Jul 10

Categories: Self-Care / Self Compassion, Self-Love


Another Great Thing About Being Alone

The new psychology of rest tells us how important our alone time can be.

Jul 3

Categories: Self-Care / Self Compassion, Self-Love


10 Quick Tips to Change Your Anxiety Forever

Alleviating anxiety need not expensive trips to the therapy clinic. Lead a healthier, happier life with these calming strategies that YOU can do yourself, today.

Jun 19

Categories: Anxiety, Self-Care / Self Compassion, Self-Love


Do you contribute to your own depression?

Millions struggle with depression every year, but more often than not, the majority of those diagnosed unintentionally rob themselves of joy. How many of these six depression-generating factors apply to you?

Jun 13

Categories: Depression, Self-Care / Self Compassion


How Self-Compassion Can Help You Heal Your Inner Critic

Guest writer Dr. Mari Kovanen explains how you can use self-compassion to change your negative self-talk, heal your inner critic, and ultimately create a pathway to a healthier self-image and stronger relationships.

Jun 8

Categories: Self-Care / Self Compassion, Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem, Self-Love, ...


The Essential Guide to Defense Mechanisms

Can you spot your favourite form of self-deception?

Jun 7

Categories: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Self-Care / Self Compassion


How to find more time in your day, no matter how busy you are

As the saying goes, it's not about "having time", it's about making time. All of us have 24 hours in a day - what differs is what you decide to do with them.

Jun 2

Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Self-Care / Self Compassion

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