Drawing Maps

As we walk about our daily lives we get to draw a map of the world we see. Our parents, our life experiences and the people we encounter along the way, each shaping a unique version of this map.At some point we meet someone important and they too come equipped with a unique map of the territory ...

Feb 8

Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Life Purpose / Meaning / ...

Written By:
Dr Oberdan Marianetti


WHAT IF, WHAT IF, WHAT IF... Coping With Stress, Anxiety and Overwhelm

Stress and anxiety can be motivating and healthy in just the right amount. Think of it as a well-being scale. Too little stress and we don’t get anything done. Yet too much pressure keeps our nervous system on a drive without any brakes. When our bodies undergo chronic stress, our immune ...

Feb 2

Categories: Anxiety, Caregiver Issues / Stress, Couple Counseling, Post Traumatic ...

Written By:
Dr Monica Borschel


When Love is Just Not Enough: Ways One Allows Relationship to Fade

Relationships perhaps always start with wild, head-over-heels feelings of attraction and devotion. On its own, however, love is simply not enough. Shivani Sadhoo reveals some of the most common barriers between you, your partner, and long-lasting passion.

Feb 1

Categories: Couple Counseling, Marital Counseling, Pre-Marital Counseling, ...

Written By:
Couples Therapist Shivani Misri Sadhoo


Body Language Signs, that Signify a Couple has a Healthy Marriage

Signs of a healthy and happy marriage are pretty much noticeable. Couples Therapist Shivani Sadhoo says that your actions and body language depict how as a partner you treat each other.

Feb 1

Categories: Couple Counseling, Marital Counseling, Pre-Marital Counseling, ...

Written By:
Couples Therapist Shivani Misri Sadhoo


Strategies to Deal with a Workaholic Spouse

If you are married to a workaholic partner, you might at times feel as if you are married to an unfaithful spouse who has replaced your intimacy with his or her work. This sense of being alone, the numerous broken promises, feelings of anger and disappointment, and a belief that you are not that ...

Feb 1

Categories: Couple Counseling, Ending a relationship issues, Marital Counseling, ...

Written By:
Couples Therapist Shivani Misri Sadhoo


Things that Helps You Develop Trust in Your Relationship

One of the oldest and biggest mantras to a healthy and lasting relationship is trust. It is a fragile yet powerful adhesive that holds two people together. It certainly is hard and at times a complex task to develop trust when you are beginning out in a relationship. But it is not so much of an ...

Feb 1

Categories: Couple Counseling, Marital Counseling, Relationships & Marriage

Written By:
Couples Therapist Shivani Misri Sadhoo


The 4 C’s That Makes Your Marriage Easy and Enjoyable

Do you remember when you first met your special one? It might have been one of those fairy-tale moments. Everything surrounding you faded into the background and the one thing that existed was them. You gathered up the courage to introduce yourself and your relationship was created

Feb 1

Categories: Ending a relationship issues, Marital Counseling, Relationships & ...

Written By:
Couples Therapist Shivani Misri Sadhoo


Myths About Counselling

Mental health affects many people globally, and many delay seeking help due to their misconceptions about counselling. In this post, we challenge the top three myths about counselling

Jan 5

Categories: Mental Health in Asia, Multicultural Concerns, Values Clarification


The Power of Equanimity

The end of year is a time when many of us pause to take stock of the time passed and to assess how to best move forward with the time remaining.What an important opportunity to ponder on equanimity!Two monks are silently walking back to their monastery after a heavy day of rain. Along the path, ...

Dec 31

Categories: Life Purpose / Meaning / Inner-Guidance

Written By:
Dr Oberdan Marianetti


The Feather and the Wound

It’s a beautiful Sunday morning, you decided to take yourself out for a bike ride by that beautiful park by the sea.It’s busy this morning, but you are a skilled and experienced bike rider, and you continue with confidence along the path.You get momentarily distracted and things unfold ...

Dec 7

Categories: Mindfulness, Relationships & Marriage

Written By:
Dr Oberdan Marianetti


Sexual Desire Discrepancy: When The Woman Wants Sex More Than Her Man

Since the arrival of your baby, the sexual balance seems to be reversed in the bedroom. You are the one who wants more sex, and he does not seem interested. Instead, he appears to be giving all kinds of excuses – from tiredness, stress, not being in the mood, to a full work day ahead.

Dec 5

Categories: Relationships & Marriage, Self-Care / Self Compassion, Self-Love, ...

Written By:
Dr. Martha Tara Lee


Come as you are - the beauty of online mental health

Aria had just hit crash.  She ...

Nov 17

Categories: Abuse / Abuse Survivor Issues, Anxiety, Complex PTSD, Depression, ...

Written By:
Dr Monica Borschel



Are you a woman who finds sex very painful? Have you been diagnosed with vaginismus? Do you have fear about having penetrative sex? Have you been unable to consummate your marriage and now want to have children? Is your vaginismus and your inability to have sex causing big conflict and disconnect ...

Nov 15

Categories: Anxiety, Emptiness, Marital Counseling, Men's Issues, Relationships ...

Written By:
Tammy M. Fontana, MS NCC CTRT Sex Therapist USA


Crying is Nature's Detox

The tears began to well up in Jade’s eyes.  “don’t cry, don’t cry,” she told herself.  She was tired, and her broken heart was incredibly raw.  As a child, she was taught that showing negative emotions was a sign of weakness. As a result, she always felt ...

Nov 12

Categories: Abuse / Abuse Survivor Issues, Anxiety, Complex PTSD, Emotional ...

Written By:
Dr Monica Borschel



“I’m going to fail; I just know it,” Andrea thought to herself before she started preparing for her exam. Then, her anxiety started to worsen, and she struggled to focus.  Even though Andrea had done well in school, she always felt like she wasn’t good enough ...

Nov 12

Categories: Anxiety, Complex PTSD, Mental Health in Asia, Post Traumatic Stress ...

Written By:
Dr Monica Borschel