Embracing Karma: The Essential Role of Karma Quotes in Our Society

In today's busy world, the idea of karma reminds us that our actions have consequences. Karma quotes capture this idea and help inspire positive change and personal growth.

May 22

Categories: Mental Health in Asia


The Digital Lifeline: Exploring the Importance of Online Counselling ...

In today's fast-moving world, more people are struggling with mental health issues. But traditional counseling isn't always easy to access. That's where online counseling steps in. It uses the internet to connect people with therapists through video calls, messaging, or phone calls. ...

May 22

Categories: Mental Health in Asia


Strengthening Relationships: The Importance of Couples Counseling

Couples counseling, also known as marriage therapy or relationship counseling, helps partners build stronger, healthier relationships. Whether you're dealing with major issues or just want to improve communication and intimacy, couples counseling offers valuable tools and insights. In this ...

May 21

Categories: Mental Health in Asia


Building a Stronger Relationship: How Marriage Counseling Can Help

Marriage is a special bond between two people that starts with love and high hopes. But over time, every couple faces challenges. Marriage counseling is a helpful tool that can support couples in overcoming these problems and making their relationship stronger.

May 20

Categories: Mental Health in Asia


Building Better Relationships: How Relationship Counselling Can Help

Relationships are really important in our lives. They affect how we feel and how happy we are. But sometimes, relationships can be hard. We might have problems or fights with our partners, family, or friends. That's where relationship counseling comes in.

May 15

Categories: Mental Health in Asia, Mental Health Professions


Finding Help Online: Exploring Online Therapy

In today's busy world, it's important to have access to help when we need it, especially for our mental health. Online therapy is a way to get that help. It means talking to a online psychologist through the internet instead ...

May 14

Categories: Mental Health in Asia


The Convenience of Care: How Online Psychologists Are Making Help ...

Today, more people are using online psychologists to get mental health care through the internet, like through video calls or chats. This is very helpful as it makes it easier to get help without needing to travel, which is great for people living far away or ...

May 9

Categories: Mental Health in Asia, Mental Health Professions


Family Constellation Therapy: A Key to Mental Health Issues by Mental ...

We all carry our innate sense of identity, our individuality. Our programming, and our personality of who we are is so different for everyone. That’s our identity. We acquire this identity once we are born. The act of being born converts us from unlimited entity as a soul to extremely limited identity as a human being.The framework of being ...

May 9

Categories: Abortion, Abuse / Abuse Survivor Issues, Academic Issues, Addictions, ...

Written By:
Dr Sharmila Dhobale


Why More Couples Are Turning to Relationship Counselling Today

In today’s busy world, keeping a relationship strong can be tough. Modern life brings new challenges that can make relationships harder than ever. That’s why relationship counseling is becoming more important—it helps couples manage these challenges and keep their relationships ...

May 8

Categories: Mental Health in Asia, Mental Health Professions


Online Psychologist: Transforming Mental Health Care

In recent years, the world of psychology has really started to use the internet to help people, making therapy available online. This change is making it easier for more people to get help when they need it, no matter where they live or how busy they are. Here’s how online therapy ...

May 7

Categories: Mental Health in Asia, Mental Health Professions


Understanding Karma Quotes: Insights and Reflections

Karma is a concept that comes from Buddhism and Hinduism and basically means that whatever you do will eventually come back to you, good or bad. Let’s look at some quotes about karma to better understand this idea and see how it applies to our lives.

May 6

Categories: Mental Health in Asia, Mental Health Professions


The Benefits of Online Counseling: Easy and Accessible Help for ...

Today, getting help for mental health is more important than ever, and online counseling makes it much easier. This type of counseling lets people talk to licensed therapists from their homes using the internet, with options like video calls, phone calls, or ...

May 3

Categories: Health / Illness / Medical Issues, Mental Health in Asia, Mental ...


Navigating Relationships with Karma Quotes: Insights from Buddha and ...

In the intricate web of human interactions, the concept of karma often plays a profound role. Whether in the context of relationships or personal growth, karma quotes offer timeless wisdom that resonates deeply with individuals seeking understanding and guidance. Let's explore the significance ...

May 1

Categories: Mental Health in Asia, Mental Health Professions

Written By:
Saumya Das


Top 10 Happiness Quotes to Make Your Day Better

Happiness is something everyone wants. Sometimes, all it takes to feel better is a little bit of wisdom. Here are 10 simple quotes about happiness that can make your day brighter and maybe change the way you see happiness.

Apr 30

Categories: Health / Illness / Medical Issues, Mental Health in Asia, Mental ...


Why Depression Counselling is More Important Than Ever Today

In today’s fast-moving and often stressful world, more and more people are suffering from depression. This makes it very important to have good access to depression counseling. Here’s why we need effective counseling for depression now more than ever.

Apr 27

Categories: Mental Health in Asia, Mental Health Professions
