The problems with isolation

Human babies need caregivers because they are born helpless.  This first bond between caregiver and baby develops our attachment system, which is linked to our nervous system. We learn as babies and then toddlers how to get our needs met through others.  As we grow into teenagers, we look ...

Apr 1

Categories: Anger Management, Anxiety, Complex PTSD, Depression, Emotional ...

Written By:
Dr Monica Borschel


How can I calm down my child?

 The beauty of children is that they seem to be living in the moment.  They really feel their feelings and go all-in with the present.  The downside to this can be immense emotions ...

Mar 25

Categories: Anxiety, Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Child Development, Parenting

Written By:
Dr Monica Borschel


Sexuality – The Last Frontier of Being an Expressed Adult?

Mar 15

Categories: Relationships & Marriage, Self-Confidence, Self-Love, Sexual ...

Written By:
Dr. Martha Tara Lee


Handling Scars from a Mastectomy

I am thinking about why some women embrace their scars from a mastectomy (removal of the whole breast) and others hate theirs.

Mar 14

Categories: Relationships & Marriage, Self-Confidence, Self-Love

Written By:
Dr. Martha Tara Lee


Asian Interpretation of The 5 Love Languages

Based on bestseller The Five Love Languages, I think Asians parents should do more of the below:

Mar 13

Categories: Relationships & Marriage, Self-Care / Self Compassion, Self-Love

Written By:
Dr. Martha Tara Lee


Love Even Though It Will End Anyway

When I was younger, I didn’t like endings – play time, be a movie, book, drama series (30+ episodes). I would cry at the end of TV shows because it was so good and I enjoyed it so much – why did it have to end? Later as I grew older and understood that everything had to have an ...

Mar 12

Categories: Relationships & Marriage, Self-Care / Self Compassion, Self-Love, ...

Written By:
Dr. Martha Tara Lee


O My Heart!

I know whatAll these can happen even as my heart remains within my body.. and not a word is spoken.

Mar 11

Categories: Relationships & Marriage, Self-Care / Self Compassion, Self-Love

Written By:
Dr. Martha Tara Lee


Dating after a painful breakup or divorce

 When Cherise met Thomas, she thought that she had finally met the man of her dreams.  He was intelligent and charming.  After dating for three years, they decided to marry.  It seemed as if everything was going smoothly until two years later after their first child was ...

Mar 11

Categories: Ending a relationship issues, Relationships & Marriage, ...

Written By:
Dr Monica Borschel


What Long-term Relationships are Really About

Many years ago, I became good friends (and still am) with an older male friend. He was very tolerate of my childish ways and I couldn’t comprehend the depth and width of his heart and patience until I met his wife.

Mar 10

Categories: Relationships & Marriage, Self-Care / Self Compassion, Self-Love

Written By:
Dr. Martha Tara Lee


Soulmate Relationships Aren’t All Meant to be Happily Ever AfterThis

Recalling from years ago… my marriage was on the rocks.

Mar 9

Categories: Relationships & Marriage, Self-Care / Self Compassion, Self-Love

Written By:
Dr. Martha Tara Lee


Have Some Standards, Pleaze!

Because of the bullying I received due to being physically unattractive when young (especially by the “cool kids”/ “in group”), I’ve grew up being wary of good-looking people and outrightly avoiding dating them altogether. One day, I told myself that I was done buying ...

Mar 8

Categories: Prejudice / Discrimination, Self-Care / Self Compassion, Self-Love

Written By:
Dr. Martha Tara Lee


The inner struggle of going bald

Most men begin to notice a receding hairline in their 20s. By the age of 50, half of all men have visible hair loss. At 60, it affects around two thirds. The majority of men, therefore, will at some point in their life, have hair loss. Even though male hair loss is incredibly common, it ...

Mar 8

Categories: Anxiety, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Depression, Other, Self-Care / ...

Written By:
Ahmer Zuberi


Satire about Online Dating

Ever notice how dating app profiles state anything along the lines of:

Mar 6

Categories: Relationships & Marriage, Self-Care / Self Compassion, ...

Written By:
Dr. Martha Tara Lee


Contextualizing the psychological impact of Coronavirus epidemic

The 2019-20 Coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China, is the latest epidemic that has killed more than 3,200 people worldwide and infected over 95,000 people globally so far in every continent except Antarctica.The name coronavirus comes from the Latin word corona, meaning crown or halo. According to ...

Mar 6

Categories: Anxiety, Fear, Health / Illness / Medical Issues, Other

Written By:
Ahmer Zuberi