Oops I didn’t orgasm, I’m sorry

Surprising that someone would apologize for not orgasming during sex. Yet , this is surprisingly a common apology I’ve heard given by a person to their partner in a long-term relationship after they have sex.  Unfortunately, usually for complex reasons, one person feels a sense of ...

Jun 13

Categories: Couple Counseling, Family Problems, Marital Counseling, Men's Issues, ...

Written By:
Tammy M. Fontana, MS NCC CTRT Sex Therapist USA


Help! We’ve had a baby, but I lost the partner I married!

How amazing is it to find someone you love, sexually desired and is fun and amazing. It is one the best experiences people have and they celebrate it through marriage. As result of this deep love there comes a desire to create a family and have a baby. A baby is an expression of your love and the ...

Jun 13

Categories: Couple Counseling, Marital Counseling, Men's Issues, Parenting, Post ...

Written By:
Tammy M. Fontana, MS NCC CTRT Sex Therapist USA


The Money Delusion

Recently, a man named Jessie was in headline news. He was a gambling addict who lost millions to casinos. A few days ago, he went inside Resorts World Manila with armalite rifles and bottles with gasoline. He burned the casino tables and slot machines in the area. And then robbed millions worth of ...

Jun 1

Categories: Addictions, Gambling Addiction, Happiness

Written By:
Dr. Angelo Subida, Psychotherapist


Be light as a swift, not as a feather

I recently heard this sentence, "Be light as a swift, not as a feather".It's simplicity struck me for the images and meaning it elicited in my mind.In my corporate life and now as a counsellor I have spoken to many people who feel like a falling feather or a floating leaf, inexorably ...

May 30

Categories: Happiness, Life Purpose / Meaning / Inner-Guidance, Mindfulness, ...

Written By:
Dr Oberdan Marianetti


Memory and Attention

With many technological advances, it has been said that our attention span has decreased drastically from what it used to be. With all of us spending more time glued to our laptops and phones and the increased amount of stimulus from the environment our focus is constantly shifting.Your memory ...

May 16

Categories: Other

Written By:
Sudeeptha Grama


The Art of Persuasion

“One of the best ways to persuade others is by listening to them” - DEAN RUSKMany people have a tendency to disregard the other point of view when trying to get their own point across. They forget to have a dialogue and instead rush into a carefully worded speech as to why they are ...

May 11

Categories: Adult psychological development, Anger Management, Couple Counseling

Written By:
Sudeeptha Grama


Love People, Not Things

Every human being is designed to love and be loved. Things are designed to be used.A big reason why much in our relationships are in chaos is because we use people and things are ones loved by us.I’ve once a married couple in therapy that lasted for about a year. Both of them came from very ...

May 11

Categories: Emotional Abuse, Love addiction, Relationships & Marriage

Written By:
Dr. Angelo Subida, Psychotherapist


On Gratitude

       “Gratitude is not a condition, it’s a decision. It’s a decision we make to look past the apparent problems in our life and find the good.”

May 10

Categories: Positive Psychology

Written By:
Sudeeptha Grama


All About Depression

“A positive attitude gives you power over your circumstances instead of your circumstances having power over you.”

May 9

Categories: Depression

Written By:
Sudeeptha Grama




May 5

Categories: Marital Counseling, Relationships & Marriage

Written By:
Couples Therapist Shivani Misri Sadhoo



Klik di Foto Klinik Pelangi untuk mengetahui Articelnya  

Apr 27

Categories: Addictions, Identity Problems

Written By:
Klinik Pelangi Cibubur


Klinik Pelangi Cibubur

Klinik Psikologi Pelangi merupakan mitra orangtua dan sekolah untuk membantu anak bertumbuh dan berkembang secara optimal.Klinik PelangiLayanan Kami :1. Konsultasi psikologiLayanan konsultasi  Anak dan Remaja, Layanan  konsultasi  Pendidikan Anak dan Remaja, Layanan konsultasi  Dewasa, Pasangan  dan Keluarga, Terapi2. ...

Apr 27

Categories: Workplace Issues

Written By:
Klinik Pelangi Cibubur


How to handle change in the workplace?

Change determines our life constantly - sometimes without us being aware of it. As living organisms we fall under the rules of change: we grow, we breath, everything is constantly in motion. Being active is life – stagnancy (over a longer time) represents the end.The 21st century has become ...

Apr 26

Categories: Career Development and Change, Workplace Issues

Written By:
Irena Constantin


Shadows of our memories

We live in the word where we went through many good and bad experiences which may relate to our family, friends and some time with the people around us having no specific relationship with us. These experiences affect us in many ways, for example, some experiences hit hard on our hearts and few ...

Apr 20

Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions


How to stop your parents from ruining your relationship

A while back I was catching up with a friend I hadn’t seen for a while. We were meant to have a quick coffee and ended up spending a half-day together talking and talking.   I learnt that her relationship was not doing so well and that her mother in law was partly responsible for it. I ...

Mar 24

Categories: Codependency / Dependency, Couple Counseling, Emotional Intelligence, ...

Written By:
Dr Oberdan Marianetti