Fighting Depression by Staying Awake

Insomnia is a common symptom of major depression, and yet sleep deprivation can be part of the solution for a patient seeking quick relief. Although it seems counterintuitive, an old and often forgotten approach to improving mood rapidly involves ...

Dec 1

Categories: Depression, Sleep Disorders


Is it bad for your health to pull an all-nighter?

A late night at the library, copious amounts of energy drinks or coffee and class notes from the last month; surely you'll be able to ace the exam if you just spend the next 24 hours focused on the material. Unfortunately, procrastination and sleep ...

Oct 27

Categories: Academic Issues, Health / Illness / Medical Issues, Health ...


No Rest for the Haunted

Ever wake up still disturbed - and haunted - by the memory of a particularly upsetting image or incident? Research over the past few years has revealed that sleep is intimately tied to memory and might actually be necessary for a large part of its ...

Sep 13

Categories: Depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) / Trauma / Complex ...


How sleep deprivation harms memory

For the first time, a study in mice, to be published in the journal eLife, shows that five hours of sleep deprivation leads to a loss of connectivity between neurons in the hippocampus, a region of the brain associated with learning and memory.

Aug 24

Categories: Dementia, Sleep Disorders


When You Don't Feel Valued in a Relationship, Sleep Suffers

We spend up to one-third of our life asleep, but not everyone sleeps well. For couples, it turns out how well you think your partner understands and cares for you is linked to how well you sleep.

Aug 19

Categories: Relationships & Marriage, Sleep Disorders


The Hidden Risks of Poor Sleep in Women

The science of sleep is woefully incomplete, not least because research on the topic has long ignored half of the population. For decades, sleep studies mostly enrolled men. Now, as sleep researchers are making a more concerted effort to study ...

Aug 19

Categories: Sleep Disorders


Brain Scan Research Shows That Lack Of Sleep Severely Alters Brain ...

Sleep deprivation majorly impacts the brain’s connectivity and function, according to a recent study published this February in NeuroImage.

Jul 25

Categories: Sleep Disorders


Insomnia linked to damage in brain communication networks

Using a sophisticated MRI technique, researchers have found abnormalities in the brain's white matter tracts in patients with insomnia, according to a new study.

Apr 6

Categories: Sleep Disorders


Protein Diet, Weight Loss, May Help You Sleep

Overweight and obese adults who are losing weight with a high-protein diet are more likely to sleep better, according to new research.

Mar 28

Categories: Sleep Disorders


Significant link between nightmares, suicidal behavior

Sleep problems have been identified as a risk for suicidal thoughts, plans, and attempts.

Mar 21

Categories: Sleep Disorders


Texting at night affects teens' sleep, academic performance

Can't stop texting? If you're a teenager, it may be to blame for falling grades and increased yawning in school, according to a new Rutgers study.

Mar 7

Categories: Academic Issues, Sleep Disorders, Teenage Issues


Gene linking sleep, seasonal affective disorder found

A newly discovered human gene mutation appears to contribute both to unusual sleep patterns and to heightened rates of seasonal depression.

Feb 24

Categories: Depression, Sleep Disorders


Best to sleep on it: brain activity patterns during sleep consolidate ...

Why does sleeping on it help? This is the question tackled by new research at the University of Bristol, which reveals how brain activity during sleep sorts through the huge number of experiences we encounter every day, filing only the important ...

Feb 20

Categories: Sleep Disorders


Seeking the Gears of Our Inner Clock

Neuroscientists have struggled to understand exactly how the mind’s cycles affect us. Studies of donated brains provide some answers.

Dec 29

Categories: Sleep Disorders


Humans Evolved To Get Better Sleep In Less Time

Insomniacs take heart: Humans get by on significantly less sleep than our closest animal relatives. The secret, according to a new study, is that our sleep is more efficient.

Dec 15

Categories: Sleep Disorders

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