Hypnosis extends restorative slow-wave sleep

Deep sleep promotes our well-being, improves our memory and strengthens the body’s defences. Zurich and Fribourg researchers demonstrate how restorative SWS can also be increased without medication - using hypnosis.

Jun 4

Categories: Hypnosis, Sleep Disorders


Lack of Sleep Affects Performance and Damages Brain Cells

Everyone knows that bad night sleep can easily affect the whole day ahead. Even a relatively small (2-3 hours) loss of sleep leads to the fall in mood and mental performance. Regular or frequent sleep disturbances can even have much more ...

May 29

Categories: Sleep Disorders


Sleeping less than 5 hours, or more than 9, can lead to cognitive ...

A group of women tak­ing part in the Nurses' Health Study were asked about their sleep habits in 1986 and 2000, and were inter­viewed about mem­ory and think­ing skills three times over a later six-year period. Devore and her col­leagues ...

May 10

Categories: Sleep Disorders


Good quality sleep crucial to mental health and wellbeing

Having a good quality and restorative sleep is essential for one to be able to function well throughout the day. Failure to do so will lead to numerous impacts to health, both long- and short-term.

Mar 24

Categories: Sleep Disorders


To Keep Teenagers Alert, Schools Let Them Sleep In

Jilly Dos Santos really did try to get to school on time. She set three successive alarms on her phone. Skipped breakfast. Hastily applied makeup while her fuming father drove. But last year she rarely made it into the frantic scrum at the doors of ...

Mar 22

Categories: Sleep Disorders, Teenage Issues


Mothers of Children with Cancer suffers from Chronic lack of Sleep ...

"It's a whole new cancer world" and "I don't remember what it's like to have sleep" were the most common themes of mothers interviewed by University of Colorado Cancer Center researchers during the maintenance period after a child's treatment for ...

Mar 13

Categories: Parenting, Sleep Disorders, Stress Management


Study links poor sleep quality to reduced brain gray matter

A new study of Gulf War veterans found an association between poor sleep quality and reduced gray matter volume in the brain's frontal lobe, which helps control important processes such as working memory and executive function.

Mar 3

Categories: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) / Trauma / Complex PTSD, Sleep ...


"Placebo sleep" can boost your mental performance

Believing that you've had a good night's sleep can influence your mental performance, regardless of how much sleep you actually had. That's according to a new paper, by Christina Draganich and Kristi Erdal, who tricked students into thinking there's ...

Feb 4

Categories: Sleep Disorders


The Top Ten Brain Science And Psychology Studies Of 2013

Putting it mildly, 2013 was an eventful year for brain science. This Top 10 list isn't meant to be exhaustive (given how many studies are published each year, it never could be), but it's a sturdy sampling of incredible work being conducted around ...

Jan 2

Categories: Sleep Disorders


Counting Sheep is Not a Way to Get to Sleep

Most have tried imagining one sheep at a time jumping between a clean white picket fence and a crescent moon in perfect arcs. After sheep #1, you are still wide awake, but by sheep #25 you earn a yawn and by sheep #50 you are having trouble keeping ...

Dec 17

Categories: Sleep Disorders


Ten Good Reasons Why You Should Get A Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep is an evolutionary paradox. In pre-historic times, periods of sleep would have been windows of opportunity for predators and periods of susceptibility to dangerous natural calamities. The chances of losing life for early humans during sleep ...

Dec 5

Categories: Sleep Disorders


New Study Links Heavy Texting, Sleep Problems in College Freshmen

Sleep deprivation has long been considered a significant problem for college freshmen during their transition to campus life. Now, a new study by a Washington and Lee University psychology professor identifies another culprit when it comes to ...

Sep 28

Categories: Sleep Disorders


The city that can't sleep

Up to 2.8 million people in Hong Kong suffer from some kind of insomnia. Anna Cummins takes a look at this exhausting problem and considers if our work-obsessed culture is slowly pushing us all towards a mental health crisis How did you sleep last ...

Sep 25

Categories: Sleep Disorders


Sleep deprivation has noticeable effects on facial appearance that ...

A new study finds that sleep deprivation affects facial features such as the eyes, mouth and skin, and these features function as cues of sleep loss to other people. Results show that the faces of sleep-deprived individuals were perceived as having ...

Sep 3

Categories: Sleep Disorders


Bad night's sleep? The moon could be to blame

Many people complain about poor sleep around the full moon, and now a report appearing in Current Biology, a Cell Press publication, on July 25 offers some of the first convincing scientific evidence to suggest that this really is true. The findings ...

Jul 26

Categories: Sleep Disorders

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