Job Dissatisfaction and Mental Health

In this era of increasing productivity and job efficiency, many of us often complain about being overworked. However, having too little to do at work may not be advantageous, and may even be bad for your mental health.

Nov 15

Categories: Workplace Issues


Managing and coping with sexual identity at work

Many lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) workers face discrimination in the workplace. What forms does this take and what is the degree of discrimination experienced by LGBT persons? Sexual identity management and other coping strategies ...

Nov 8

Categories: LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender) Issues, Workplace ...


Sociologists have identified the two kinds of people most likely to ...

Is it better to fit in or stand out? That question has vexed all of us at one time or another, from teenagers to aspiring executives to sociologists. The answer, says Stanford Graduate School of Business professor Amir Goldberg: It depends.

Nov 2

Categories: Workplace Issues


CEO pay should be linked to staff mental health

Beyond Blue chairman Jeff Kennett has called for the performance bonuses of chief executives to be partially linked to the mental wellbeing of their employees. In a speech to the Business Council of Australia’s Mentally Healthy Workplaces ...

Oct 26

Categories: Workplace Issues


High status job means you are less likely to respond to treatment for ...

Depression Mental Health Psychology / Psychiatry High status job means you are less likely to respond to treatment for depression MNT Knowledge Center Adapted Media Release Published: Wednesday 21 September 2016 email 16Share 1 An international ...

Oct 18

Categories: Adult psychological development, Depression, Workplace Issues


Do Singaporeans work too hard?

Singapore has one of the longest working hours in the world, clocking in 88 hours every two work weeks. At the same time, its people are unhappy, citing a lack of work-life balance and stress.

Oct 17

Categories: Happiness, Workplace Issues


Football team lose yesterday? Your work performance will probably ...

How much do experiences in one part of our lives have effects that spill into other, seemingly separate domains? One obvious candidate is the football team you follow - it's a distinctive arena that matters greatly for many people and involves a ...

Oct 12

Categories: Workplace Issues


How to Motivate Your Employees: Give Them Compliments and Pizza

It is Monday morning. You have just arrived at work, and you get one of the following three emails, each promising a different reward if you get everything done that day: One says you'll get a cash bonus. Another says your boss will give you a rare ...

Sep 14

Categories: Workplace Issues


People May Be More Cooperative after Listening to Upbeat Music

The right mood music can influence how well people work together, a new management-oriented study suggests. Many retail establishments carefully select the music they play in order to influence consumer behavior, such as encouraging shoppers to buy ...

Sep 2

Categories: Workplace Issues


Sleep Helps You Learn Better

Getting some sleep in between study sessions may make it easier to recall what you studied and relearn what you've forgotten, even 6 months later. While studies have shown that both repeated practice and sleep can help improve memory, there is ...

Aug 27

Categories: Learning Difficulties, Workplace Issues


Gut instincts Increases Cooperation: Here's Why

Researchers have a long history of exploring what motivates people to cooperate - or not - and how to foster and encourage effective collaboration within and across groups. Psychological scientist David G. Rand (Yale University) recently took an ...

Aug 25

Categories: Workplace Issues


What Makes People Feel Upbeat at Work

Creating a positive work environment sounds like a noble aspiration for both businesses and the people who work for them. No one ever says that they want to work in a negative environment, after all, or even in a blasé one. And yet, in late April, ...

Aug 6

Categories: Happiness, Workplace Issues


Poor work culture can damage mental and physical health

Poor workplace culture can have a huge effect on people's mental and physical health, and it's time ­business leaders addressed the issue urgently.

May 14

Categories: Workplace Issues


At Work: Play Dumb or Give the Cold Shoulder?

A new study shows that managers play down their competence to appear warmer to their subordinates while the subordinates hide their own warmth in an effort to appear more competent.

Mar 19

Categories: Workplace Issues


Healing the healers

The British Psychological Society (BPS) is promoting action to deal with low morale, stress and depression among mental health professionals.

Mar 15

Categories: Other, Workplace Issues

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