A new understanding of mental illness

The causes of psychiatric disorders are poorly understood. Now, in work led by researchers at McGill University, there is evidence that a wide range of early onset psychiatric problems (from depression, anxiety and addictions to dyslexia, bulimia, ...

Dec 29

Categories: Mental Health in Asia


A Ten-Minute Run Can Boost Brain Processing

Researchers at the University of Tsukuba show that increased activation of the bilateral prefrontal cortex accompanies improvements to mood and cognitive function after only a brief bout of moderate-intensity running

Dec 14

Categories: Health Psychology


Structure of depression-linked brain receptor solved, offering ...

Scientists at Scripps Research, Florida have determined the near-atomic-scale structure of an unusual brain-cell receptor called GPR158, which has been linked to depression and anxiety. The structural study reveals both the receptor and its ...

Nov 20

Categories: Depression


How Do We Learn to Learn? New Research Offers an Education

Cognitive training designed to focus on what's important while ignoring distractions can enhance the brain's information processing, enabling the ability to "learn to learn," finds a new study on mice.

Nov 16

Categories: Child Development, Learning Difficulties


Deep Brain Stimulation for Treatment-Resistant Depression

New research published November 3 in Translational Psychiatry, presents new evidence that brief intraoperative exposure to therapeutic stimulation at the time of implantation surgery induces rapid and consistent electrophysiological brain state ...

Nov 8

Categories: Depression


If You Want To Enjoy Leisure Time, Don't Think Of It As Wasteful

However you like to take time for yourself, from reading to hiking to playing video games, leisure time can be a vital way of relaxing, promoting good mental and physical health, boosting social relationships, and inducing happiness. But whether we ...

Oct 26

Categories: Happiness


Why do we remember stressful experiences better?

Stressful experiences are usually remembered more easily than neutral experiences. Researchers at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) have analysed the reasons why this is the case. They put people in stressful situations during simulated job interviews ...

Oct 20

Categories: Stress Management


Warm milk makes you sleepy - peptides could explain why

According to time-honored advice, drinking a glass of warm milk at bedtime will encourage a good night's rest. Milk's sleep-enhancing properties are commonly ascribed to tryptophan, but scientists have also discovered a mixture of milk peptides, ...

Oct 15

Categories: Sleep Disorders


When It Comes to Communication Skills - Maybe We're Born with It?

From inside the womb and as soon as they enter the world, babies absorb information from their environment and the adults around them, quickly learning after birth how to start communicating through cries, sounds, giggles, and other kinds of baby ...

Sep 27

Categories: Communication Disorders Problems


We've Neglected The Role Of 'Psychological Richness'

What is it that makes someone feel that theirs is a "good life"? Of all the ideas put forward over the past few millennia, two are most often extolled and researched today. The first is hedonistic wellbeing, often called simply "happiness", which is ...

Sep 22

Categories: Happiness


What the Brain Shows: The Benefits of Virtual Reality in Creative ...

Virtual reality (VR) continues to expand its uses in medicine, specifically in treatments for psychological conditions like trauma, phobias and eating disorders. The technology is also emerging as a tool in creative arts therapies.

Sep 16

Categories: Art Therapy


Brain Refreshing: Why the Dreaming Phase Matters

Researchers from the University of Tsukuba and Kyoto University find that capillary blood flow in the brain, which is important for delivering oxygen and nutrients and removing waste products, is increased in mice during the dream-active phase of ...

Sep 10

Categories: Sleep Disorders


Beyond dopamine: New reward circuitry discovered

The key to overcoming addictions and psychiatric disorders lives deep inside the netherworld of our brains and the circuitry that causes us to feel good. Just like space, this region of the brain needs more exploration. The oldest and most known ...

Sep 6

Categories: Happiness


When Bosses Are Respectful, Young People Are More Resilient At Work ...

From ball pits to free beers, fun job perks have received plenty of press attention over the last few years. For millennials, such benefits should surely be appealing - they are, after all, the generation these perks were ostensibly designed for. ...

Aug 31

Categories: Workplace Issues


Having a Good Listener Improves Your Brain Health

Supportive social interactions in adulthood are important for your ability to stave off cognitive decline despite brain aging or neuropathological changes such as those present in Alzheimer's disease, a new study finds.

Aug 31

Categories: Mental Health in Asia

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