The Future of Counselling

Over the past three months, we’ve seen people, organisations and businesses make adjustments to adapt to “The New Normal”. While it has largely been a work in progress with everyone still figuring out the best way to go about things, we cannot deny that certain needs have been ...

Jul 8

Categories: Self-Care / Self Compassion

Written By:
Eugene Chong


Till “death” do us part!

Really…now, this might just be one bubble that needs to be popped already.Marriage is a very personal affair. What works in one marriage may or may not work in another. The limits, the overstepping, the rights, the love are all personal and individual choices. There are laws that stipulate what may constitute legal and illegal behaviour/ ...

May 29

Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Adult psychological ...

Written By:
Mini Nair


Healing from abusive childhood experiences

When Sam was a child, his father would drink and then come home and smash the house.  From his bed, he could hear his mother crying.  His mother would crawl into Sam’s bed at night and cry.  Sam was confused.  He didn’t know how to help his mother, and he felt scared ...

May 21

Categories: Abuse / Abuse Survivor Issues, Complex PTSD, Emotional Abuse, ...

Written By:
Dr Monica Borschel



Erin was a corporate lawyer who worked ten-hour days, five days a week.  On the weekend she would try to make time for herself but instead found herself worrying about work, answering emails and going over paperwork.  By the time Sunday came, she couldn’t get out of bed; she could ...

May 21

Categories: Abuse / Abuse Survivor Issues, Anger Management, Anxiety, Depression, ...

Written By:
Dr Monica Borschel


Tiredness Solutions

We have a lot of tired people nowadays.With Coronavirus, it’s painful “honest” tiredness from long or tedious quarantine or frontline work for a great many who serve.Tiredness can be of two kinds: physical and psychological.Physical:  characterizing those who got sick or have medical problems like pre-existing conditions or ...

May 20

Categories: Caregiver Issues / Stress, Coping with Medical Problems, Emotional ...

Written By:
Dr. Angelo Subida, Psychotherapist


Keeping your relationship secure though you are apart

 If trust is an issue because of past experiences in your life, or as a couple, find ways to build trust or enable trust. Is trust low because you don’t trust yourself?  Is trust low because of a past affair ...

May 7

Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Anxiety, Attachment Issues, ...

Written By:
Dr Monica Borschel


Keeping your relationship healthy when you’re both at home

People in Hong Kong have been feeling economic and relationship stress due to Coronavirus.  When couples are stressed, they might turn away from each other instead of towards each other.  Take, for example, the case of Alan and Cynthia.Alan is stressed because he works in sales and he ...

May 7

Categories: Divorce / Divorce Adjustment, Ending a relationship issues, ...

Written By:
Dr Monica Borschel


Finding the Gift in Diminishment

“Old age brings diminishments,” writes psychologist Erik Erickson. He describes how the elderly experience this: “Old patients seem to be mourning not only for time forfeited and space depleted but also ... for autonomy weakened, initiative lost, intimacy missed, generativity ...

May 3

Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Anxiety, Pain management

Written By:
Dr. Angelo Subida, Psychotherapist


Old coping skills are gone: get new ones

          Are you struggling with how to cope in a situation where your old coping skills are gone? Did your old coping skills often involve socialization, going out, drinking in groups? Are you finding it hard to find new ways to soothe yourself or deal with stress and anxiety now that you are in quarantine? How are you ...

Apr 28

Categories: Men's Issues, Mental Health in Asia, Mental Health Professions, ...

Written By:
Tammy M. Fontana, MS NCC CTRT Sex Therapist USA


Staying Resilient Amidst Extraordinary Times: Tips for Parents During ...

Apr 25

Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Caregiver Issues / Stress, ...

Written By:
Kay Vardeleon



Facing important examinations? Does it seem complicated? Is the milieu of the exam overwhelming or confusing? Do you have it all sorted out, but find the unwanted advice doled out by “well-wishers” pushing you to the edge? Do you find it hard to sift through sensible helpful suggestions and meaningless preaching from the pulpit?

Apr 25

Categories: Academic Issues, Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Executive ...

Written By:
Mini Nair


Diplomacy – heart of a lost art.

In a society where meeting genuine people is getting rarer by the day, the question emerges – Where is the line between diplomacy and hypocrisy? We do want people who are polite, well mannered, gentle, kind, assertive, loyal, focussed and honest. A list of wishful qualities? Not really. There are so many virtuous people around us, and then, ...

Apr 25

Categories: Empathy, Ending a relationship issues, Personality problems, ...

Written By:
Mini Nair


I feel spaced out

Betty often felt spaced out when she was at home alone.  She was so used to going and working hours on end, that when she had downtime, she felt anxious.  What “should” she be doing?  She was exhausted ...

Apr 24

Categories: Anxiety, Depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) / Trauma / ...

Written By:
Dr Monica Borschel


Trauma Sensitive Yoga For Children


Apr 23

Categories: Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Child Development, Mindfulness, ...

Written By:
Krisa Qiu


How Not To Go Crazy While in Quarantine

How do you mentally prepare for the pandemic? How do you survive home quarantine or self isolation?Isolation and home quarantine can have real emotional and psychological “side effects.”We can lose our mind getting stuck at home!Let me share here with you my list: HOW NOT TO GO CRAZY ...

Apr 17

Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Coping with Medical Problems, ...

Written By:
Dr. Angelo Subida, Psychotherapist