Death and Psychotherapy

  All people will die. We all go to the grave, sooner or later. No one is exempted. Death then is an "anxiety" common to the entire humankind regardless of one's status in life. I'm reminded of my younger sister who died several years ago. While speaking to her in the ICU ...

Jun 1

Categories: Aging & Geriatric Issues, Anxiety, Bereavement

Written By:
Dr. Angelo Subida, Psychotherapist


Psychotherapy in the Coffee Shop

I do many of my psychotherapy sessions in the coffee shop. That may sound surprising and even strange to you. Especially, if you're the traditional type who dislikes innovation or "outside the box." ...

May 27

Categories: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Happiness, Life Purpose / Meaning / ...

Written By:
Dr. Angelo Subida, Psychotherapist


Using Childhood Joys to Increase your Valuing of your own Self

Many people who are codependent do not value and love themselves, their Self, because they have learned in their family of origin that they were of little value or even worse that they were bad. Fortunately there are ways you can learn to reverse this kind of early negative conditioning. One way ...

May 21

Categories: Self-Care / Self Compassion, Self-Love

Written By:
Brian Scott


Swim Yourself Happy?

  It’s well known that exercise is an effective treatment for depression, but recent research has enabled psychiatrists to give guidance on precisely how much exercise is enough exercise to give the desired results when treating depression. So how are therapists using exercise in their treatment regimes, and should they be using it ...

May 14

Categories: Happiness


Visual Journals To Lower Stress And Heal The Mind

  The power of art to transform people’s lives is well known. Art has been used as a breakthrough technique to reach a patient’s deepest fears, and their most closely guarded emotions. By representing emotions wordlessly, a barrier is lowered, allowing patients to express things that they cannot bring themselves to say, either ...

May 13

Categories: Stress Management


Eleanor Rigby and all the lonely people

In 1966, the Beatles wrote about Eleanor Rigby and the lonliness and depression she experienced: All the lonely people Where do they all come from? All the lonely people Where do they all belong? Loneliness is something that ...

May 10

Categories: Attachment Issues, Bullying, Codependency / Dependency, Depression, ...

Written By:
Joanna Fishman


Living A Life ... Or NonLife?

The first thing I noticed about Tom was his large frame and piercing eyes. He had come to call me on my mobile phone a few hours ago. And now, we were in a hotel, drinking coffee, and eventually past the pleasantries.He reached for the marrow of his purpose for meeting me. “I need help for ...

May 2

Categories: Addictions, Attachment Issues, Infidelity

Written By:
Dr. Angelo Subida, Psychotherapist


Solitude Therapy

Each of us is alone. In our human existence, aloneness is an inevitable fact of life. We entered this world alone. We will exit this world alone.I've discovered in my life and in the life of others that how we embrace our aloneness determines whether it will be toxic or nourishing.Toxic ...

May 1

Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Adult psychological ...

Written By:
Dr. Angelo Subida, Psychotherapist


Are you worth the money for therapy?

  There is this man who claims he has no money for therapy. He owns a car and condominium unit, smokes 3 packs of cigarettes a day, and dines out in expensive restaurants. If he sets aside funds even just by stopping smoking, he could afford to pay for his weekly personal therapy.Doctors ...

Apr 29

Categories: Happiness, Self-Care / Self Compassion

Written By:
Dr. Angelo Subida, Psychotherapist


Working Through Damaged Emotions

Feelings are a crucial part of the inner life. When one is psychologically disturbed or traumatized, feelings become vulnerable. A person may lose touch of the reality of his feelings. He can be alienated from his feelings.Yet these feelings don't go away. They continue to appear or surface. ...

Apr 27

Categories: Abuse / Abuse Survivor Issues, Emotional Abuse

Written By:
Dr. Angelo Subida, Psychotherapist


The Brain and Emotions

  I’m reminded of one of Dr. Sigmund Freud’s psychodynamic concepts, “ego defenses.” Ego defenses are inhibiting internal mechanisms that prevent us from “knowing” early emotional pain through rationalizing, analyzing, explaining away, minimizing, ...

Apr 23

Categories: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Emotional Abuse, Emotional Intelligence

Written By:
Dr. Angelo Subida, Psychotherapist


How does Climate Change affect Obsessive Complusions?

This new century has brought with it the topic of climate change as a constant in the news media. A controversial and complex topic, it involves discerning the potential contributions of solar radiation, continental drift, and greenhouse gas concentrations to the changing levels of vegetation, ...

Apr 23

Categories: Obsessions & Compulsions (OCD)

Written By:
Tony Brown


What It Takes To Heal

Healing can happen only in a climate of openness and truth.This is the tragedy of Mina. Mina was caught in adultery, one which traumatized her husband. Her need to deny or "stonewall" her wrongdoing prevented her personal, marital, and family healing. What's her primary wound? I ...

Apr 22

Categories: Addictions, Attachment Issues, Couple Counseling

Written By:
Dr. Angelo Subida, Psychotherapist


Who Is A Psychotherapist?

Who is a Psychotherapist? You may be unfamiliar with the term or who he or she is. In fact, lots have misconceptions about it. Two basic words: healer, helper. A psychotherapist is one who helps people heal and resolve their emotional, mental, behavioral, or relational problems that cause ...

Apr 20

Categories: Mental Health Professions

Written By:
Dr. Angelo Subida, Psychotherapist


Recovering from Trauma

In Connecticut USA, a few months ago, about 20 children from an elementary school was massacred by a 20-year-old Adam who also killed his mother and himself.You know, I have a daughter - Angel - who is still in the elementary school. I've held her closer and tighter than before after knowing of ...

Apr 10

Categories: Bereavement

Written By:
Dr. Angelo Subida, Psychotherapist